Posts Tagged With: Rosario And Vampire Mizore Shirayuki

Rosario And Vampire Mizore shirayuki cosplay

Rosario And Vampire Mizore shirayuki cosplay

Rosario And Vampire Mizore shirayuki cosplay

WOW, I love her flowing hair which let me have a deep feeling! Do you know which anime character this coser is cosplaying? I know she is cosplaying Mizore shirayuki from animation Rosario And Vampire! Why i can know? Because her beautiful light purple Mizore shirayuki cosplay wig! In my opinion, it is the significant feature of Mizore shirayuki! Do you think so?

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Rosario And Vampire Mizore Shirayuki Cosplay

Rosario And Vampire Mizore Shirayuki cosplay

Do you like this “Beauty and Snow” Rosario And Vampire Mizore Shirayuki Cosplay? I do like it so much! I think this coser show us a real live Mizore Shirayuki to us — unique facial expression and interesting posture! Wishing you will like:)

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Rosario And Vampire Characters Group Cosplay

Rosario and Vampire cosplay

Kokoa Shuzen, Kurumu Kurono and Mizore Shirayuki from animation Rosario And Vampire

Cosers / Submitters: Jules, Saki-chan and EnchantedCupcake—Nickname
Photographer: Paul Karpey
Cosplay Lightspot: their interesting facial expression and their cosplay costumes

P.S. Do you love this cosplay? I am attracted when i see this cosplay photo—–colorful and vivid! I know who they are cosplaying through their cosplay costumes—so you need to pay attention to your cosplay costumes and cosplay accessories when you are preparing for your cosplay. In my opinion, some significant cosplay accessories are of great importance in your whole cosplay—-cosplay shoes, cosplay wig (if you don’t want to dry your hair in a special form, it will help you) and cosplay jewelries.

My own Rosario and Vampire Mizore Shirayuki cosplay shoes displaying:

rosario and vampire cosplay shoes

Rosario and Vampire Shirayuki Cosplay Shoes


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Rosario And Vampire Mizore Shirayuki Cosplay

Rosario And Vampire cosplay

Mizore Shirayuki from animation Rosario And Vampire

Cosplayer / Submitter: Amanda
Photographer: Hypersapiens
Cosplay Lightspot: the coser’s same Mizore Shirayuki dressing style

P.S. I like her Mizore Shirayuki purple cosplay wig and her Mizore Shirayuki cosplay costume—which makes her have a vivid cosplay of Mizore Shirayuki. So your character cosplay will be successful if you have a same dressing style and same make up like the character you will cosplay.

My own Mizore Shirayuki cosplay costume displaying and i think you will need when you are cosplaying Mizore Shirayuki:

Rosario And Vampire cosplay costume

Rosario and Vampire Mizore Shirayuki Cosplay Costume


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